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San Francisco, CA, United States

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dhani Jones in Brazil!

 If you love Dhani Jones as much as I do, gimme a YAY! \o/

I love Dhani's attitude on this show.  No pretense, just pure friendliness, determination towards the sport, and affability.

So while waiting for my ticket line to be called at Corcovado Cristo o Redentor (or White Jesus, as my friends call it), this Travel Channel host passed right by me to grab a drink.  


I walked over to his companions who had a ton of huge black bags.  Camera equipment.  

OMG.  Is that Dhani Jones?

The dude in shades nods, very chill.

OMG.  I love him!

No one else seemed to notice, and the room was fairly crowded.  That's why Dhani walked right by me, with an inch to spare.

I ran to him.  Hey I love your show!  You know, my good friend was at your house just recently in San Diego.

(It's true.  My friend went to his house and noticed the Sports Illustrated covers and realized the house he was visiting was owned by the Mr DJ.  Private story.)

That got Dhani's attention and he told his crew that.  The mean ticket line lady wouldn't let my girlfriend & I onto the same train as Dhani, so he threw his arms up in the air at me to say, Why aren't you on this train?!

But then the heavens opened up and we did get onto his same train car!  Dhani gets the front row to himself to be filmed, while a producer asks us to be quiet during filming.  It was an unbelievable feeling to be in the background of one of my fave travel shows, while going to this monument in Rio!

His video crew sat next to me and said the man is a nice guy behind cameras too.  Of course he is, you can tell.  

He promised me a photo at the Cristo monument and came to me before shooting to quickly take a photo before work got busy.  What was kool was Dhani carries around his own nice camera to shoot personal travel photos when the video camera isn't rolling.  I think that was the best part for me.

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